Epic 6: The Devil You Don’t has officially been released! Words can’t express how emotional, fulfilling, and significant the journey of writing this installment has been. This book has been in the pipeline since the release of Dawn of Destiny, sixteen years ago. It was one I knew was coming and was excited to get to. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined it would be a five-year writing endeavor. Words can’t express how thrilled I am to see it finally reach the light of day.
When the opportunity arose to release E6—the first installment to feature all female leads—on International Women’s Day, it was one I couldn’t pass up. Considering the world events currently taking place, to have the lead female character be Russian is just so eerily appropriate. It’s a reminder that heroes come in every make and model and that we are not defined by the place we come from or the flag that waves over us.
I am so proud of the four women in this book. Anyone who’s talked with me about the character-development process knows that every single character in Epic practically exists as a real person in my head. They have bona fide lives of their own…I’m just the one blessed enough to tell their stories as I watch them unfold. Svetlana Voronova, Natalie Rockwell, Esther Brooking, and Tiffany Feathers are remarkable women and human beings. The Devil You Don’t is an emotional, heavy-hitting book. I’ve taken every one of those hits with them. They are the owners of my most ambitious writing effort. They are each champions in their own unique ways.
Get ready, Epic Nation.
It’s time.